Building a World-Class Blockchain AI Team

When a promising blockchain startup in the AI space raised $5 million in initial funding, they tapped Blockchain 121 to build out their core technical team for scale. This emerging company had massive potential, but lacked some key technical hires to fully capitalise on the opportunity.

Our mission: Source and place their Engineering Lead, Protocol Lead, and Research Lead – three mission-critical hires that would be instrumental in driving their success. These leadership roles required technical innovators with specialised expertise in blockchain, AI and machine learning.

Given the complex, rapidly evolving nature of blockchain AI technology, recruiting this calibre of technical talent was no small undertaking. We leveraged our immersion in cutting-edge blockchain communities to identify over a dozen potential candidates per role.

Through rigorous screening and assessment, we honed in on seasoned technical leaders at frontier companies pioneering innovations in blockchain AI and sold the opportunity on the startup’s compelling vision and opportunity.

Within 4 months, we successfully onboarded their new Engineering Lead, Protocol Lead and Research Lead. These strategic hires filled critical technology and research gaps in the startup’s core team. With this powerhouse technical leadership in place, the company secured $43 million more in funding led by a top VC firm.

Our targeted search and placement of these uniquely qualified technical leaders directly enabled their meteoric rise. They are now positioned at the forefront of blockchain AI, and on track to democratise access to AI infrastructure at unprecedented scale.

*Curious? Ask us for the company name.

Over 2 Billion USD

VC funds raised by client partners


Web3 natives placed into key roles

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